Instant Curb Appeal Ideas
in Design
For those folks out there that are looking to spice up the exterior of their home, I came across a great site to give you some simples ideas that are do-it-yourself projects and can be done on a budget! While the website provides 39 great ideas, I’ve picked my top 10 but if you want to see the entire list, visit: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicaprobus/a-facelift-for-your-house?utm_term=.om6AWMR7O&sub=3748525_5644583#.ptlZ7Ey9K
- Paint your front door.
- Spray paint your existing door hardware.
- Give your house numbers an upgrade.
- Painting the trim and adding matching moulding can make any door frame look tons better.
- Put in some new porch lights, or upgrade the ones you already have.
- Add tile to a plain concrete entryway.
- Add some hanging planters.
- Cover an exposed foundation with ready-made panels.
- Revamp your welcome mat.
- Hide your a/c unit.
For more home design tips or information pertaining to home ownership, email me at Carmen@GreenMeansGrow.com