What’s GREENer than free trees!

…and no, I’m not sending you off to a vacay in the Bahamas, if that’s what you might have thought 😉
But I do have a *local* idea. In my continued commitment to holding the Green torch for our community, I came across this irresistible offer from our friends at Urban Corps. They want to offer you the opportunity to receive your free Tree(s) sponsored by the San Diego County Urban Corps!
Trees may be planted in a public right away, or in the curb in front of your home. Simply fill out the form on the link below. Ask for as many your heart desires…Only thing that Urban Corps asks is that you water the tree(s).
Here at The GreenHouse Group it would make us very happy to assist you in your commitment on going Green. Continued nourishment to that tree, makes for an endless gift of giving. The more you nourish the tree, the more shade & oxygen it gives over the years. A gift of a tree, is something that is a gift for generations to come!
Here’s the link to get started: