Buying A Home – Getting Pre-Approved

How to get a Rock Solid Pre-Approval

Every potential home buyer’s starting point begins with determining your Purchase Power.  By meeting with your Mortgage Planner first, (or very early in your process) you can avoid the stressful and expensive mistakes that come with pursuing a home you can’t afford or qualify for.  To help you avoid such pitfalls we’ve developed  our Rock Solid Pre-Approval.  We’ll review your documentation and ask you critical questions to ensure that we create the best strategy  for your unique situation.  Then you can get out there and confidently find your perfect home.


FAQs about getting Pre-Approved

* What is the difference between Pre-Qualification & Pre-Approval?  A Pre-Qualification is a estimate of your ability to qualify based on some basic information.  A Pre-Approval is a full analysis of your income, assets, and credit to ensure that you are fully Approved to buy and know your exact Purchase Power.  The only thing missing at that point is your new property address!

* Do I see a REALTOR or lender first?  Who you see first is not technically important.  However, it’s vital that BEFORE you go shopping for a home you know your exact Purchase Power and are fully Pre-Approved.

* Will the Pre-Approval mean you pull my credit?  Yes,  a credit check is essential and probably the most important part of any pre-approval.  Your credit determines your rates, available loan programs, and therefore your monthly payment.  An early review of your credit is also a great opportunity to address any credit surprises, potentially increasing your scores before you buy and saving you thousands of dollars.

*  What should I expect to pay for a Pre-Approval?  At The GHG we don’t charge you for this service.  In fact, we don’t get a paid a dime until we help you achieve your goal of buying a home.


Ready to get started?

< Mortgage Planning Consultation – Click to send an email requesting a Free, No-Obligation Consultation with a Mortgage Planner
< Rate Quote – Want to know what rates are currently available?  Click to request a Rate Quote
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