San Diego: Are You Living in Your Rental?

San Diego: Are You Living in Your Rental?

Outgrown Your Home, But Not Your 3% Dream Rate? David From Greenhouse Group Has the Answer!

Hey there, growing families! David here, and let me tell you, I see this ALL the time. You’ve got a house bursting at the seams with little ones, but you snagged a 3% mortgage that’s the envy of the neighborhood. Selling and buying with today’s rates feels like a one-way ticket to financial frustration. But here’s the good news (and it’s a game-changer): You DON’T have to choose between more space and keeping that amazing interest rate. Here’s how I helped a friend in your exact situation: He kept his rock-bottom 3% mortgage (seriously, who wouldn’t?) We turned his current home into a rental property, generating a sweet $2,000 monthly cash flow! He used that rental income to qualify for a new, dream home with slightly higher rates (still great compared to history!) The result? He gets two homes, double the chance to build wealth, and a whole lot more space for those epic birthday parties! This strategy can work for you too! Don’t settle for feeling stuck. Email me at and let’s chat! P.S. Those 3% rates are a thing of the past. Let’s leverage yours to your advantage and create a win-win situation!

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