Jeremy Goes on the Radio
This week, instead of my typical post, I’ve done a bit of a commercial. As you may know, my partner over here at the GHG, Jesse, has a radio show called the Secret Stash. It’s on Tuesdays 12-1 on ESPN 1700 AM. No it’s not only about Real Estate and Mortgages! He keeps it fresh.
As the Primary Sponsor of the show I help contribute to content and even go on the show occasionally. This week that’s exactly what’s happening. We’ll be going live to play a little game to see just how much folks know about Mortgage and Investment stuff. We sent Adrian out into the streets to ask unsuspecting folks some questions and we’ll guess if they know the answers. Then I’ll give you the real answers and maybe more.
Check it out! You can listen live today at noon at http://www.secretstashradio.com/listen-live, on the radio at 1700am, or you can catch archived versions by going to http://www.secretstashradio.com
Let me know what you think!
- Jeremy Beck
- Mortgage Planner
- Super Famous Radio Guy