Here’s The GHG Headquarters. PS: our name is NOT on the building.. its TD Ameritrade’s sign […but a kid can dream can’t he?]
Depending on which part of the county you’re coming from, please find these personalized driving directions for you trip:
*If you are coming from the North:
*If you are coming from the West:
*If you are coming from the South or the East:
Hope you find them helpful and find our office right on time.
Call me at anytime if you need us to direct you in @ 858-863-0260.
*Important note: If you have already been pre-approved, and you are not interested in The GreenHouse Group financing your purchase, then you DO NOT need to fill out the mortgage planning questionnaire nor bring in the items requested in your laundry list.
Where do I start?
Start by printing the Questionnaire, filling it out to the best of your knowledge, and bringing it in with the rest of the items listed below:
>Download GreenHouseMortgagePlanningQuestionnaire_Purch
What things should I bring?
Here’s your Initial Consultation “Laundry List”:
v Income Documentation to comprise the last 2 years of employment:
- I am Self Employed: Then bring pages 1 & 2 of your last 2-years of 1040’s, along with your current year’s Profit & Loss Worksheet (P & L) if available.
- I am a Wage Earner: Then bring your most recent W-2, last year’s W-2 & 1-calendar month of pay stub(s).
v A summary of any/all liquid assets (Bank Accounts, Money Market, CD’s, Stocks, Bonds, 401(k), IRA, etc.)
v If you currently OWN: Most recent copy of any/all current mortgage statements & Insurance Declarations Page.
v If you currently RENT: Summary (address and amounts) of the last 24 months of rental history.
v And anything else you think would be valuable to discuss or consider pertinent to the goal(s) you are looking to achieve.
*We wont be using much of our time together to qualify any of this information. But if we decide that working together makes sense, I can make copies of what you are able to bring and send you home with the originals.
That should be plenty for our first 90 minutes together. And don’t stress about coming in with an untidied list….just bring what you can for now and, lucky for us, we can always use a fax or email for anything else that might come up along the way :).
We can’t wait to meet you and get started!
-Your GreenHouse Team