“How Long Will It Take To Buy A House?” And, “How Many Clients Can You Handle?” #AskJesseHow Show | Episode 4
#AskJesseHow Show | Home Buyer & Home Seller FAQ’s | Episode 4
This episode we talk about Speed & Efficiency – how fast can we get into a home? / How many clients can you handle at a time, and still deliver a 5 Star experience?
Need your help here.
First off, I’m looking for some feedback to see how I can make this series work best for you. Suggestions, format, etc. Thank you in advance for that.
Secondly, I’m looking for some questions for our next show. I’d prefer they come from you, our immediate crew, versus “the internets.” Use this post, use twitter, use facebook, use instagram … which ever platform works best for you, by simply using the hashtags #FTHB (for first time home buyer) or #FTHS (for first time home seller) #FAQ’s (for frequently asked questions). Others that will work: #homebuyers #homesellers
Looking forward to this being a cool tool for both of us: you to get some good questions answered and our opportunity to swim a little further upstream and meet you where youre at.