3 levels of breath | Trail Talks

3 levels of breath | Trail Talks


All right, gang. Today, I want to talk about breath. So, I’m training at the top of my aerobic capacity, I got a rock on right now, three liters of water, a ten-pound dumbbell, some other stuff too. It’s not Navy Seal weight, but for a hike like this, it certainly is a challenge. ⁣

What I want to share is there are three levels of breath that I try to train with. That seems a little novel. I hope this might be useful to you, the number one primary optimal way to breathe is just in and out the nose, which becomes very tough with the weights on.⁣

If you’re fully anaerobic your instinct is to get some breath fast and what’s novel, perhaps, is the hybrid breathing, which is referred to as ratcheting or gearing. So, what that means is if I’m breathing only through my nose and I’m feeling like, I’m getting anaerobic, can’t catch up. In such a case, I breathe in and out through the nose, then in and out through the mouth, and back to the nose. ⁣

So, I interval or oscillate back and forth. And that’s what I’m trying to stay at without having to go fully mouth breath. ⁣
So I hope that’s helpful for you. Go, get it.⁣
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