What To Look Out For When Purchasing Or Refinancing A Home
Last week I spoke a little bit about what to look out for when purchasing or refinancing a home in regards to filing your taxes. This week it’s the same idea, but I’m touching on a short list of deal breakers you need to be aware of.
Like what you ask? Well let’s take Solar panels for example. If you’re trying to refinance, solar panels could be a deal breaker in a tight deal. You see, solar panels often carry a lease associated with them, which means a payment. Which means this payment had to be included in your debt ratios. On a refinance, it can sometimes be enough to put the deal on ice, and on a purchase it can take a home in your price range out, due to the added cost.
So, if your curious as what other things you need to look out for, shoot me an e-mail at Scott@GreenMeansGrow.com