Major Derogatory Credit Waiting Periods: You Might Be Closer Than You Think…
Major Derogatory Credit Waiting Periods: You Might Be Closer Than You Think…
If you’ve recently been through a major derogatory credit event, and by that I mean; Bankruptcy, Foreclosure or Short Sale, you could be a little closer to qualifying for a loan than you think.
Lenders have different waiting periods for these different events, and depending on whether you pursue a conventional or government loan, some waiting periods are as short as 2 years!
So if you’ve been holding off on buying or refinancing your home due to a major derogatory credit event, it might be time to take a look at your situation and put together a mortgage plan for you. If this post speaks to you and you want to know a little more, e-mail me at Scott@GreenMeansGrow.com