Thinking of buying a home on your own?
There are 140 different spaced to fill in information on a Residential Purchase Agreement, and that is not including all the spaces for your names and date. on an average I change 51 boxes. Where there are anywhere from 2 too 10 different acceptable options to fill in those boxes. So that means that an average RPA can have more than 66187782427598330000000000 different ways to properly fill out the form. AND that is just one of the many documents that make up your purchase agreement.
To make that really large number easier to wrap our minds around. That is 66 septillion different ways to write the RPA, which is 66 with 24 zeros behind it. It is a really big number. Let me put present it to you in another way, in some states they require you to have a lawyer to help write the contract and to protect your interest. (Georgia, South Carolina & Massachusetts to name a few)
So, do you think it is in your best interest to try and sell or buy your home on your own?
When looking for an agent to work for, make sure they have systems and templates set up. Ask them how they will represent you, how they will make you stand out over the competition. If you are interested in finding out more of what you should be looking for in an agent, or you want to see how I work with The GreenHouse Group, reach out to me.
Im here to help,
Greg Kuchan