Have You Ever Stopped To Ask Yourself?

Have You Ever Stopped To Ask Yourself?

PriductivityEssential Power Productivity Tool #2:

3 Questions To Ask At The End

Of Every Day!

There are 3 sets of questions you can choose to ask your- self at the end of every day:

1)What is the most challenging decision you made to- day that moved you closer to the resolution of any problem that you have?

You have to deal with all the stuff that life throws at you. When you look at the obstacles, problems and challenges you face during each day, you can choose to think of them simply as conditions for playing this game called life.

Instead of being frustrated by all the challenges, shift your focus on what you learned, what relationships you deepened and what results you created.

Instead of being upset or overwhelmed, look at any prob- lems as conditions that are required for you to overcome or work through in order to experience a higher level of responsibility.

2)What new idea, insight, awareness or bit of wisdom did you read or listen to that shifted your perspec- tive today? What new belief did you get?


When you gain new insight or awareness each day, you’re making a valuable mental deposit you can use later.

By asking yourself this question at the end of every day, you set yourself up to make acquiring new knowledge a priority for tomorrow.

3)What relationship did you deepen, expand, or begin? Who are the people whose lives you enriched today? Or who did you meet today that you will be enrich- ing in the future? How did you expand your rela- tionship capital?”

Each day you go out, bring as much joy to every en- counter you have as possible. Ask yourself: what did I do to cre- ate or strengthen the relationship?

According to Maryann Williamson, there are three types of relationships: brief encounters, sustained relationships, and lifetime relationships.

A brief encounter is when you meet somebody just in passing. For example, you can get in an elevator and have an en- counter with someone. But did you bring or take away joy to that encounter?!

Sustained relationships on the other hand have a begin- ning, a middle, and an end. It could be helping a person buy or sell a home for example. At the end of the relationship you say, “I’ve learned all the lessons I need to learn here, we are going our separate ways, the relationship is complete.”

Bianca Martinez

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