Welcome to my inner circle.
I remember Napoleon Hill, in his book, Think And Grow Rich (..you may have heard of it 🙂 referred to his imaginary table of board room members. When he needed to, he’d visualize that the people assembled at the table – whether alive or dead – were the most important thinkers and mentors in his life. He would address each of them with his problem, and try to answer in the voice of the person representing the voice of the highest version of themselves.
That was cool.
Flash forward to some other dude who later said, “You ever want to know where you’re going to be 5 years from now, its the books you read and the people you make company with.”
Well, my board room of archetypical badasses also happen in large part to be the people I hang out with while I’m reading their books. This is becuase I like to read by listening … to audiobooks. And, I try to take notes on important quotes, themes, takeaways as I do.
This year, I chose to make those notes more public in an attempt to share more, connect more, and start a conversation of my own as a result of assimilating the lessons and taking them into practice.
I’m excited to hear what you think, how any of these works have impacted you, or, if you’ve yet to read any of these and would like to know more. Let’s go!
Book One: