How To Make The Move Easy On The Kids (& Pets)

Moving to a new home can be an exciting yet challenging experience for the entire family, particularly for children and pets. Their emotional well-being should be a top priority during this transition. By understanding and addressing their needs, parents can help children and pets adjust more easily to their new environment. This article explores key considerations and strategies for involving children, establishing routines, empowering them, fostering connections, and providing sensitive care for pets during a move.


1. Involving Children: When moving with younger children, involving them in the process can help them feel excited about the new home. Take them on visits to the new property, showing them the amenities and exploring the new neighborhood together. For older children, especially those who may have to change schools, the transition can be more challenging. Provide support by discussing their concerns, listening attentively, and addressing any fears or uncertainties they may have. By engaging them in the decision-making process, such as choosing the layout of their new room or involving them in packing, children can regain a sense of control and empowerment.


2. Establishing Routines: Children, especially young ones, thrive on routines and familiarity. When moving, prioritize setting up their rooms and maintaining their regular schedules as much as possible. Ensure their bedrooms are arranged in a similar manner to their previous ones, providing a sense of comfort and familiarity. Maintaining consistent meal times, nap schedules, and bedtime routines can provide stability amidst the changes. By preserving these familiar routines, children can adjust more easily to their new surroundings.


3. Empowering Children: Moving can make children feel powerless and disconnected from the decision-making process. To mitigate this, involve them in age-appropriate tasks and responsibilities related to the move. Allow them to pack their own belongings, make decisions about the layout of their room, or participate in selecting new furniture or decorations. By giving children a sense of ownership and control, they can feel more engaged and empowered throughout the moving process.


4. Meeting Neighbors and Making New Friends: Assimilating into a new neighborhood and making friends can be crucial for children’s social and emotional well-being. Encourage children to interact with neighbors, introduce themselves, and participate in local activities. Visit nearby playgrounds, attend community events, or arrange playdates with children from the neighborhood. These opportunities can help children establish connections, reduce feelings of isolation, and create a sense of belonging in their new community.


5. Considerations for Pets: Pets are also affected by the changes associated with moving. To help them adjust, maintain their routines as much as possible. Set up their spaces first, such as their beds, toys, and familiar items, to provide a sense of security and comfort. Gradually introduce them to the new environment by keeping them in a designated area at first, and then gradually expanding their access. For dogs, taking them for walks in the new neighborhood can help them become familiar with their surroundings and potentially meet other pet owners. Provide them with extra care, attention, and reassurance during the transition to alleviate any stress or anxiety they may experience.


6. Sensitivity to Emotions: Recognizing and addressing the emotions of both children and pets is crucial during a move. Children may experience a range of emotions, including excitement, anxiety, or sadness about leaving their old home and friends. Provide emotional support, listen to their concerns, and validate their feelings to help them navigate these emotions. Similarly, pets may also experience.


Conclusion: Moving can be a challenging experience for both children and pets, but with careful consideration and planning, it can also be an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. By involving children in the process, maintaining routines, empowering them, and fostering connections in the new neighborhood, parents can help their children adapt to the changes more smoothly. Similarly, by prioritizing pets’ needs, providing a comforting environment, and allowing them time to adjust, pet owners can ensure their furry companions feel safe and secure. Ultimately, a mindful and supportive approach to the move can help children and pets thrive in their new home.

“Moving people with purpose”