How To Get Started Living More GREEN


Jesse (Real Estate Consultant)
Jeremy (Mortgage Planner)
Craig (Mortgage Planner)
David (Mortgage Planner)


Lots of people want to get started living more GREEN but don’t have the valuable information about it. That’s why we have made this video series to walk you through some of the things that can you apply in your household to get good results.


This discussion mainly revolves around six main points.


1. Energy efficiency
2. Water efficiency
3. Indoor air quality
4. Reduce, reuse and recycle
5. Green effectiveness quotient
6. Smart home tech


In this series, our team of experts discuss their experience and ideas which can be very beneficial for you.

1.Energy Efficiency and Choosing Green alternatives



To increase the energy efficiency of your home insulation is considered to be one of the most effective way out there. Insulation helps you to maintain heat during winters and cool during the summers.


Some experts say that insulation reduces the cost of heating and cooling upto 50%.
Isn’t that amazing.


To minimise the loss of energy in your household you can hire a team of professionals which can perform some tests on your home and make sure that your house is properly insulated. This discussion involves the ideas and advices that you can apply to get better results.
Our experts provide the insights on the insulation process that’s beneficial to clear your doubts .


Good resource –


Finance perspective:

Our experts David and Jeremy provide the finance perspective on purchasing the green alternatives. There are energy efficient mortgages to finance some of these energy effecient upgrades but not a lot of people are taking advantage of those.


There are certainly some warnings about how you finance these things. Some of these programs can be prohibitive for your next financing. Some of these programs leave you with additional lien on your home.

There are ways like getting some cash out, maybe utilizing a line of credit or doing some other mechanisms that are less invasive.

Our recommendation is to make sure you do your due diligence and talk to reputable companies and we know some people as well we trust as well.

2. Water Efficiency


Water efficiency is reducing water wastage by measuring the amount of water required for a particular purpose and the amount of water used or delivered. In order to live more GREEN you definitely have to focus on increasing the water efficiency in your home.


Try to waste as less water as possible, especially if you live in area of less ground water. In our homes we usually have grass and there is a lot of water wastage in maintaining our lawn. To reduce the water wastage you can have drought tolerant plants. If you’ve a bigger lot, the entire place doesn’t need to be blanketed in grass. You can have a patch of grass for your kids and pets.


You must be wondering that drought tolerant plants are not that cool but there is a whole variety of plants which are as good as other plants. Would you believe that artichoke is also a drought tolerant plant.


If you live in an area where there is water shortage you should definitely focus on these plants. You can also plant trees because trees maintain the ground water level. Trees collect the moisture and keep the ground cool. There are many other ways to fix the water wastage in your household


Good resource –

3. Indoor air quality


Indoor air quality should be your major concern but the sad truth is not many people take it seriously. Especially, during the time of COVID where the people are spending most of their time in the house.

For better respiratory health of you and your family, you must apply the required measures to improve the indoor air quality.


If you’ve old ducts, you can definitely make a little investment for you and your family’s well being. Especially, homes built prior to 1970s had duct systems which contain asbestos, asbestos is only harmful when it’s airborne. Usually those systems are sealed but they deteriorate over a course of time. To protect your family from lung diseases you should definitely hire some company to help you out. There are companies who can help clean your ductwork. Another cool idea is to do a blower door test to see where the leaks are, so you’re not breathing anything toxic.


We recommend using a reputable company, which can help you in achieving suitable indoor quality.

4. Reduce, reuse and recycle


Reduce means to minimise the amount of waste we create.
Reuse refers to using items more than once.
Recycle means putting a product to a new use instead of throwing it away.


Try to follow these three points to reduce the wastage in your home. Try to minimise any kind of wastage whether it is water, energy, or food. Keep everything in check and use them wisely.


Try to reuse and recycle things so there is as less wastage possible. Global food loss and waste generate annually about 8% of total GREENHOUSE Gas emissions.


The production and incineration of inorganic waste uses natural resources such as water uses natural resources such as water, fuel, metal, timber in their production and this results in the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide and other pollutants.


If you try to minimise the wastage that’ll increase your GREEN efficiency.

5. Green effectiveness quotient and smart home tech.


This video involves discussion about the green quotient and smart home tech.


GREEN quotient is calculated by different parameters.


Smart home tech is changing the houses, it’s revolutionary. With just few taps on your smart devices you can control various appliances in your homes. Various smart home virtual assistants are making life easier for people around the world. Upcoming age is of AI, more and more devices are equipped with speech recognition now. We’re moving forward to fully automated homes where you don’t even have to move a finger.


We hope you enjoyed the discussion and if you have any questions or suggestions, you can send us your feedback on our socials.





