Better Get To Know Erin Better
Headline: Embrace yourself, you are the only one of you.
When I’m not Real Estate Consulting: I’m spending time with my pets, pet sitting, playing video games or reading.
Last book I read: The Light of Days. It’s a book about women resistance fights in ghettos during World War 2 – great book if you are into historical fiction!
Favorite movie: The Princess Bride and The Lion King
Last meal on Earth: All of the shrimp and lobster available! I became allergic to shellfish when I was 22 and absolutely loved it before that so if it’s my last meal on Earth, I might as well go out with a bang!
Don’t tell anyone else but: I didn’t lose my last baby tooth until I was 36.
First job: Lifeguard in a desert town where it regularly got over 120 during the summer. Pretty sure I was paid minimum wage at 16 years old to up my chances of skin cancer by 10 times but hey, it was a great first job!
GHG is: my second family. At the end of the day, no matter what, I love each of every team member like my family. (That also means they sometimes get on my nerves the same way my own brother does but I still love them!)
Super hero power: My super hero power is leaving everyone wondering if I was joking or being serious.