Self Employed? Oh, Do We Have a Loan For You.
Self Employed? Oh, do we have a loan for you.
If your one of the many prospective home buyers out there who is self-employed, this post is for you.
Recently, we have seen the implementation of lending programs that are focused on financing the self-employed. Specifically in purchases. For quite a while, we’ve seen people that are self-employed, with flourishing businesses’, struggling on claiming enough personal income to qualify for a purchase. Now, lenders are looking to a lending style from a recent past. Stated Income. I almost feel like using this term is a bit misleading, because they stated income that we have now is a very purpose driven loan and comes with very specific guidelines, however it is stated none the less, and if you are self employed, it may be the answer to your next home.
If you have any questions on how this program could be right for you, please call or e-mail me at;
858.273.3663. ext 114